Tonie National Geographic Dinosaur (STHE)

Tonie National Geographic Dinosaur (STHE)

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The Toniebox comes to life when paired with our whimsical collection of Tonies: hand-painted characters with hours of stories to tell, worlds to explore, and songs to sing along with.

This Tonie teaches kids about:

  • Herbivores & Carnivores
  • Fossil Record
  • Dinosaur Defenses
  • Geological Time Periods


© 2021 National Geographic Partners LLC. All rights reserved. NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC KIDS and Yellow Border Design are trademarks of National Geographic Society, and under license.

1. Fearsome, Ferocious, and Incredible

2. Magnificent Meat Eaters

3. Marvelous Plant Munchers

4. Amazing Dino Defenses

5. Growing up Dino

6. Unbelievable Prehistoric Creatures

7. Discovering Dinos 

8. Dino Time

Total Run Time: 74 Minutes